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Direction to solve :
Directions : In each question' given' below a Statement:: is given that is followed by three
Assumptions: numbered I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted.
You have to consider the Statement:: and the following Assumptions: and decide
which of the Assumptions: is implicit in the Statement.

01. Statement: "Move into the upper echelons without paying steep price. Book a luxurious flat with us". —Advertisement of a construction company.

I. It is possible to join the select brand of rich people by hard work.
II. II. Staying in luxury without paying steep price is the criterion of upper crust of society.
III. Booking a luxurious flat is very easy now.
A. Only II    B. Only III 
C. II and III  D. Only I
E. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Only III 

Assumption I and II are not directly related to the Statement::, so they are not implicit. Assumption III is implicit because from the advertisement of the company it is clear that booking a luxuries flat is very easy now.

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02. Statement: "City 'X' should have more women driving public transport because most do not like to speed unnecessarily, prefer not to talk on mobiles while driving, do not listen to blaring music and rarely skip red lights." — A minister of state X

I. More women driving buses and autos will create more job opportunities for women. '
II. Women are more disciplined than men on the roads.

III. If women start driving buses and autos it would increase chances of safety for commuters.
A. I and II B. II and III
C. I and III D. All of these
E. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: II and III

Assumption I is not implicit because job opportunities for women is not the perspective of the minister. Assumptions: II and III are implicit because from the Statement: it can be assumed that women are more disciplined than men on the roads and this increase changes of safety for commuters.

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03. Statement: In the recently held All India Commerce Conference the session on Management of Service Sector in India' surprisingly attracted large number of participants and also received a very good media coverage in the leading newspapers.

I. People were not expecting such an encouraging response for service sector.
II. Service sector is not managed properly in India.
III. Media is always very positive towards service sector.
A. None is implicit B. Only I is implicit
C. All are implicit D. II and III are implicit
E. Either I or III is implicit

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Only I is implicit

Assumption I is implicit because people were surprised to see large number of participants which was not expected. Assumption II and III are not implicit because they are not directly related to the Statement:

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04. Statement: "Tender specification will not be issued to the firms where there is 25% or more default in supplies against earlier purchase orders placed on them". -Condition of a company X inviting tenders for the purchase of materials.
A.   Assumptions:
I. The company X will be watching the quality of performance of its suppliers.
II. This time the firms should keep the percentage of default as less as possible
III. The company X expects quality and professional approach from its suppliers.
B. Only I is implicit
C. Only II is implicit D. Either II or III is implicit
E. Only III is implicit

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Only III is implicit

All the three Assumptions:: are implicit. Company X wants to invite tender from those firms which were less defaulter. This time it wants percentage of default lesser and it expects quality and professional approach from its suppliers, so it is watching the quality of performance of its suppliers.

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05. Statement: "The employees association has appealed to the managers of company 'S' to introduce written examination for clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons".

l. So far, the company 'S' used to select candidates without conducting a written examination, n.
II A written exam can help to identify competent persons.
III. At higher level, written examination may not be of much use
A.  I and III  B. Only I   
C. Only n D. All of these
E. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer:  I and III 

From the Statement:, it is clear that at present company 'S' is selecting candidates without conducting a written examination. A written exam can help to identify competent persons. So, Assumptions: I and II are implicit. Assumption III is not implicit as it is going against the Statement:.

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06. Statement: "Several labour and industrial courts in this state have no proper premises. Vacancies of judges and stenos are kept pending". — A Statement: of a retired judge of state X.


I. Adequate number of staff and judges helps in the smooth functioning of the industrial and
labour courts.
II. The state is not bothered about the condition of the labour and industrial courts.
III. Physical facilities of an office help in increasing efficiency of its employees,
A. I and III are implicit  B. Only II is implicit
C. II and HI are implicit  D. All are implicit 
E. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: All are implicit 

Statement: is concerned about the inadequate number of staff and lack of physical facilities in the industrial and labour courts. When a office has good physical facilities then the efficiency of its employees is increased. So, all the three Assumptions:: are implicit

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07. Statement: "Performing complex mental tasks while driving is dangerous" — A psychologist

I. Thinking too much reduces the ability to spot potential problems and react to them safely.
II. Hands free phone conversations are as safe — or as risky — as talking to a passenger, depending upon the demands of conversation.
III. Insecurity of humans is a man-made problem.
A. I and II B. II and III
C. I and II D. All of these
E. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: None of these

Assumption I is implicit because thinking too much reduces the ability to spot potential problems and react to them safely. Assumptions: II and III are not implicit because they are not correlated to the Statement:.

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08. Statement: "We have the distinction of being the only company in India as well as the second in the world to have won an ISO 9002 certification in our line of business". — Statement: of company X*s chairman.

I. These were not many companies in the line of business of company X.
II. Getting ISO 9002 in the line of business of company X is not easy.
III. The company X desires to expand its business.
A. Only I is implicit B. Only II is implicit
C. Only III is implicit D. II and III are implicit
E. None of the above

Answer and Explanation

Answer: II and III are implicit

 From the Statement: it is clear that only two companies in the world are ISO 9002 certified in the line of business of company X. So, getting ISO 9002 in the line of business of company X is not easy and company X has reached up so high because it desires to expand its business. So, Assumptions: II and III are implicit. Assumption I is not implicit because it is not clear from the Statement: that how many companies are there in the line of business of company X.

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09. Statement: "Z-TV, the only TV which gives the viewers a chance to watch two programmes simultaneously"— An advertisement.

I. Sale of Z-TV will increase because of the advertisement.
II. Some people may be influenced by the advertisement and buy Z-TV.
III. The sale of Z-TV may be on the downward trend.
A. Only I is implicit B. All are implicit
C. I and II are implicit D. II and III are implicit
E. None of the above

Answer and Explanation

Answer: II and III are implicit

 From the Statement: it is clear that advertisement can influence people and some people will buy Z-T.V. It can be assumed that the sale of Z-T.V. may be on downward trend that why its owner advertise their new product. So, Assumptions: II and III are implicit. Assumption I is not implicit because it cannot be said surely that the sale of Z-T.V. will increase.

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10. Statement: Use 'X' brand shoes. These are durable and available in all sizes. An advertisement in the newspaper A.

I. Normally people like durable shoes.
II. Very few people read advertisement in a newspaper.
III. Very few people read the newspaper A.
A. Only I is implicit B. I and II are implicit
C. I and either II or III are implicit D. All are implicit
E. None of the above

Answer and Explanation

Answer: None of the above

Assumption I is implicit because normally people likedurable shoes and that why that advertisement was given. Advertisement was given in newspaper A, itmeans that many people read the newspaper A and people who read newspaper also read advertisements in it. So, Assumptions: II and III are not implicit.'

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11. Statement: "Why are only high profile people considered to be adventurous ? The villagers in India, who have no buses, walk barefoot for miles on dusty, untarred roads Isn't that more adventurous than rafting or gliding ?" — View of a person.


I. It is a Herculean task to walk barefoot for miles on dusty untarred roads.
II. Rafting and gliding are considered adventurous by the people.
III. Walking barefoot for miles on dusty untarred roads is not considered adventurous by the people.
A. I and II B. II and III
C. I and III  D. All of these
E.  None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: All of these

From the tone of the Statement: it is clear that walking barefoot for miles on dirty roads should be considered adventurous. The comparison is made between walking barefoot and rafting grinding. So, all the three Assumptions: are implicit.

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